The Eleven Critical Tips for Successful Videoconferencing: An Introduction
Videoconferencing: A wonderful, almost magical technology that lets us stay home in our pajamas drinking rum coladas and playing with dogs during business meetings. There is a dark side, however, and that is the home, pajamas, rum, and dogs among a list of other no-no’s when conducting or participating in virtual meetings from your personal castle.
These tips apply whether you use RingCentral Meeting, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Google Meet, Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, or any of the other video chat services out there. If you’ve done any number of meetings so far during the pandemic isolation you’ve likely already encountered boorish video behaviours from your co-workers, and watched more than one meeting head suddenly south by the introduction of their “most precious and beautiful little poopsie-oopsie EVER!” (and we can only hope that was introducing an adored pet and not a spouse).
But, oh newbie to the work-from-home movement, be not discouraged: There are lots of tactics you can use to make sure that you’re contributing positively to your video chat or videoconference.
We’ve gathered the most critical of these tips (which we’re posting over the next three days) and grouped them as follows:
- Be Aware of your Location
- Be Prepared for the Meeting
- Be Attentive to the Meeting
We’ll also wrap up with a How-to-Wrap-Up at the wrap-up. by the end of this series, you’ll be ready to vidconf like a pro! Stay Tuned!
NEXT: Part 1: Location, Location, Location
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[…] PREVIOUS: Introduction | NEXT: Part 2: Be Prepared […]
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